ProCut ProPlow
We are a locally owned commercial and residential landscape company offering customized services to all four seasons.
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Our Specialties

Winter Services
Plowing * Salt, Magnesium, or Sand Application * Walks Shoveled * Dormant Pruning * Tree Removal

Spring & Summer Services
Spring Cleanup * Lawn Fertilization * Pre-emergent Crab Grass Control * Mowing * Drive and Walk Edging * Mulching * Bed Edging and Pruning * Mowing * Walk and drive edging * Lawn Fertilization * Grub and Insect Control * Irrigation Head Adjustment

Fall Services
Fall Leaf Cleanup * Lawn Seeding and Renovation * Lawn Fertilization * Weed Control * Lime Treatment

- Area Resident for 25 Years!
- Kent State University Graduate
- Holy Family Church Member
- 20 Years of Lawn Maintenance Experience
- 10 Years Golf Care Experience
- Industry Certified
- Granular Golf Course Quality Products
- Grub and Insect Control – Fall Lime
- Competitive Pricing and Free Estimates
- Guaranteed Results
- Discounts Offered
- Insured
- References Available